FedEx Express Safety Wiring

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
to Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Team members required: Two


This event will test each participant's skill and speed while accomplishing a series of safety wire patterns and safeties.


AC 43.13-1B - Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices Aircraft Inspection and Repair (w/Change 1) (

MD-11 Aircraft Maintenance Manual

Tools and equipment list:

Safety wire pliers (WTG8A) (qty 2)

Cannon plug pliers (ATI508KG) (qty 2)

Flat head screwdriver (SGD2BO) (qty 2)

0.020 safety wire (WT105-2016) (qty 2)

0.032 safety wire (WT105-3216) (qty 2)

Diagonal cutters (808CF) (qty 2)

Needle nose pliers (96ACF) (qty 2)


Two team members will safety wire 11 different areas and 2 bonus areas inside of a box within the 15-minute time limit. Competitors will remove 1 or 2 side panels. The top panel is not to be removed during the event. After the panel(s) are removed, the team may approach the safety areas in the order they choose. Once the 11 safety wires are  complete, the team must notify the judge and time will stop. Team members may now use the remaining time from the 15 minutes to safety the bonus section. The time used to safety the bonus section will not be counted towards your total time. Each safety wire correctly completed in the bonus section will deduct 30 seconds from the team's initial time. Removed side panels will not be required to be reinstalled to complete the event.

Two additional safety wires may be completed as a bonus once the designated 11 areas are complete. Safety areas include:

1) MD-11 flap bus cable turnbuckle (qty 1)

2) Cannon plugs (qty 2) NOTE: cannon plugs must be connected correctly to their receptacles and torqued with the cannon plug pliers. Safety wire size for all cannon plugs is 0.020”

3) MD-11 spoiler actuator push rod (qty 1)

4) MD-11 brake bleed ports (qty 3)

5) MD-10 core cowl U-bolts (qty 3)

6) Hydraulic filter casings (qty 1)

7) Bonus: MD-11 I/B flap actuator support structure (qty 2)


Scores will be calculated according to the standard score sheet. Thirty second penalties will be assessed for incorrect size, routing or twist-per-inch, which will be graded based on AC 43.13-1B and pictures provided above. If any section is not completed before starting the bonus section, or if the top access lid is removed, the team shall be scored at the maximum 15-minute time limit.

For More Information:

Christopher Hart

FedEx Express